Thursday, June 26, 2008

I'm going once again...

It was funny. When I was nominated to go to Central Asia in August, I did a lot of reading on the Internet about other people's experiences with applying to the Peace Corps. The common theme from people who were giving advice to people who were nominated was to not think that if you were nominated somewhere that that's where you would end up. I thought that some people's destinations and times might change, but i was pretty confident that mine would not. Well, after submitting my medical forms and getting cleared, my placement officer called and told me that he thought that there was a better fit for me but that it left a few weeks earlier than the original program i was up for... well when i called him back to get more info, he told me that it this new program was leaving on July 20th (my bday) for SE Asia. I gave it an hour of thought, then I called him back to say that I'd do it. My dad had helped me make my decision too... I think that the idea of visiting Cambodia at Christmas was a little more appealing to him than Kazakhstan. So I am now going to Cambodia. I leave Seattle on July 19th for San Francisco... then off on the 21st to this new place...

This will be good. In November, when I was visiting Cambodia after Korea... I had thought that it would be so awesome to do the peace corps there. I remember getting onto the Internet just to see if they had a program there... they did! I kept it in the back of my mind but I wanted to leave all my options open when it came time to applying and just go wherever they needed me...

Cambodia was my favorite part of my trip in SE Asia, so I am just grateful to have the chance to go back... I always knew that I would because after all... I have to re-take all those pictures I lost. I'm still a little mad about that... but it worked out in the end.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on starting a blog. Hope to read more soon. See you tomorrow!